Use plain text editor on iOS (iPhone, iPad) instead of rich text/wysiwyg editing control

  • updated
  • Fixed
You displayed a plain text editing control in the past when a feedback item is displayed on an iPhone or iPad.

Unfortunately, this seems to have changed recently to show the WYSIWYG editor instead. But, this editor doesn't work on iOS. So now, my customers can't post feedback from their iPad anymore.

This is especially bad since the feedback forum is for an iPad app.

Please change it back to the old behaviour as soon as you can.
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Sergey Stukov co-founder
  • Answer
  • Fixed


sorry for inconvenience, we placed special marks in source tree that prevent this issue in the future.

Sergey Stukov co-founder
  • Answer
  • Fixed


sorry for inconvenience, we placed special marks in source tree that prevent this issue in the future.

Sergey Stukov co-founder
Quote from Alexander Blach
Thanks. It does now work on the iPad but it still shows the wrong editor on iPhone.

Also, it seems to discard line breaks entered in the plain text editor instead of inserting br tags.

Sent from my iPad :)
will fix and report here soon
Alexander Blach
Thanks. It does now work on the iPad but it still shows the wrong editor on iPhone.

Also, it seems to discard line breaks entered in the plain text editor instead of inserting br tags.

Sent from my iPad :)