Receive notifications as daily digest?

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Is it possible to for a user to set his/her preferences to receive all subscription notifications as a daily digest instead of individual emails?

For example, if I am subscribed to an active forum, I may only want to receive one email per day that lists all of the notifications for that day (instead of receiving many separate emails).
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Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
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Quote from Mathew Weaver
Have you considered this feature recently? It now has 26 votes ... that seems like a fair amount of interest. Here is a quote that one of our users posted in our forum today (about receiving a daily digest):

"Having just come back from 3 days of leave, over 70% of my inbox was filled with forum posts!"

It would really be helpful to enable daily (and perhaps weekly?) digests.
Hello Mathew,
Thank you for your request again. We are starting to implement this feature.
Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
Quote from Mathew Weaver

Any progress on this feature? It now has 57 votes. We had another of our users complain again today about all of the separate notifications. A "digest" notification option is very important.

Hello Mathew,

We know that this feature is important for you. We've tried few time to have it implementer but our solution was not good enough to release it. Also it was created for support agents only. For regular users each project are able to create templates for each type of notifications and this feature (for users) will disable templates functionality.

For our project ( we do not feel that we need it. All emails from the same topic are grouped in one email message in mailbox. So, we do not have more emails than topic's updates in a day. Seems like it is still too much for your project. We will try to implement some test version for your project (for agents first) in 2 weeks.

Mathew Weaver

Any progress on this feature? It now has 57 votes. We had another of our users complain again today about all of the separate notifications. A "digest" notification option is very important.

Roberts, Scott

Yes, this is still important.

Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
Quote from Mathew Weaver
Is this feature (daily or weekly digest) something that will be available soon?
Hello Mathew,
Thank you for reminding us about this request. We have been started to do it long time ago and was getting in trouble to do it good enough. Actually we do not work on it right now but if it still important we will start it again when will done current task.

Now we are implementing ability to change your notification template and notification texts. I hope it would be helpful for you too.
Mathew Weaver
Quote from Vladimir Mullagaliyev
Hello Mathew,
Thank you for your request again. We are starting to implement this feature.
Is this feature (daily or weekly digest) something that will be available soon?
Roberts, Scott
Quote from Vladimir Mullagaliyev
Hello Mathew,
Thank you for your request again. We are starting to implement this feature.
I would also like to see the weekly option. Any guess at when this might be implemented?
Quote from Vladimir Mullagaliyev
Hello Mathew,
Thank you for your request again. We are starting to implement this feature.
Great piece of news.
Is another parameter than "daily" considered in the user preferences? (maybe "weekly" for instance)
Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
  • Answer
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Quote from Mathew Weaver
Have you considered this feature recently? It now has 26 votes ... that seems like a fair amount of interest. Here is a quote that one of our users posted in our forum today (about receiving a daily digest):

"Having just come back from 3 days of leave, over 70% of my inbox was filled with forum posts!"

It would really be helpful to enable daily (and perhaps weekly?) digests.
Hello Mathew,
Thank you for your request again. We are starting to implement this feature.
Mathew Weaver
Have you considered this feature recently? It now has 26 votes ... that seems like a fair amount of interest. Here is a quote that one of our users posted in our forum today (about receiving a daily digest):

"Having just come back from 3 days of leave, over 70% of my inbox was filled with forum posts!"

It would really be helpful to enable daily (and perhaps weekly?) digests.
Mathew Weaver
Has there been any further consideration of this request? This request is becoming more important for us. If we are to really use UserEcho in production, we need the option for daily digest/summary emails.