Focus on the search box does not clear hint

  • updated
  • Fixed
Using Chrome.
Click on search box will not clear the "write your idea here..." text. It only clears when you start typing.
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Sergey Stukov co-founder
  • Answer
  • Fixed
It's feature :)

  1. Added dimming
  2. Some css alignments
  3. When user start typing text become darker instead gray
Sergey Stukov co-founder
  • Answer
  • Fixed
It's feature :)

  1. Added dimming
  2. Some css alignments
  3. When user start typing text become darker instead gray
Quote from Sergey Stukov
Dimming is a good idea.
Your personal CSS updated.
Sergey Stukov co-founder
Quote from JDB
Ok. I see on uservoice that works similar, with the difference that it dims out when you click which gives feedback to the user. If it not dims it feels like you have to select that text to clear it out and you can't.

It would also help if the text starts just on the same point the cursor is located. Maybe just css? Can you help me with that css code?
Dimming is a good idea.
Your personal CSS updated.
Ok. I see on uservoice that works similar, with the difference that it dims out when you click which gives feedback to the user. If it not dims it feels like you have to select that text to clear it out and you can't.

It would also help if the text starts just on the same point the cursor is located. Maybe just css? Can you help me with that css code?
Sergey Stukov co-founder
Quote from JDB
But it does not behave the same on the widget popup. I'd like it to work as on the widget...
We have some forms that have helpers descriptions only inside fields, and for example when user open such form, first field takes a focus, and users lost intuition what to type inside it, if helpers disappears. 

We collaborating about compromise solution.
Maybe hide helper after fields gets focus if it has external helper/description.
But it does not behave the same on the widget popup. I'd like it to work as on the widget...