Adding new forum users automatically

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  • Answered
Is there a way to import customers' details from Salesforce (name, surname and e-mail address) or some other source (for example from CSV file)? All the customers from SF would have their accounts automatically created in Userecho. This would be helpful as not all customers are interested in creating yet another new account on yet another web-page, so we could help them out and paste only the link with appropriate customer id when answering back to them. The customer would be then automatically logged in and could do votings and required stuff. This would be much easier to interact with each other.
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Sergey Stukov co-founder
  • Answer
  • Answered
Sorry for late answer, we can import you file, .csv if fine for us. But what about passwords, if you not provide it in the .csv users will need to remind password first time.

Also note that you can use our Single SignOn system
May be it will suitable for you.

Quote from Vladimir Mullagaliyev
Thank you, fixed.
today it happened again :( could you please check? thanks
Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
Quote from L J
Now after sending out the invitation an error is being displayed. Could you please fix that? Thank you in advance.
Thank you, fixed.
Now after sending out the invitation an error is being displayed. Could you please fix that? Thank you in advance.
Thank you, now I understand (had to re-add the user) :)
Sergey Stukov co-founder
Quote from L J
The problem is that even this functionality does not work. After clicking on the link, for example nothing is happening :(
This link contains KEY that works only first time, after successful activation it's marked as activated for security purposes. So when user will click on it first time it will be auto-authorised.
The problem is that even this functionality does not work. After clicking on the link, for example nothing is happening :(
Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
Quote from L J
1st version looks really great, thank you for that!!!
Looking forward now to v2 in which we'd like to see in the invitation mail something like:

If you are already registered"Start Collaborating"

If you'd like to join the community as <customer's name>"Choose a password" (after clicking, a window is displayed asking for specifying and confirming new password)

If you'd like to join the community with a different username"Sign up" (after clicking, "Sign up for your community account" window is displayed)
If user click to link from email he well be authenticated automatically. Then he can go to his profile and setup new password or change his name.
We think it enough and we are not planing to change invitation letter.
1st version looks really great, thank you for that!!!
Looking forward now to v2 in which we'd like to see in the invitation mail something like:

If you are already registered"Start Collaborating"

If you'd like to join the community as <customer's name>"Choose a password" (after clicking, a window is displayed asking for specifying and confirming new password)

If you'd like to join the community with a different username"Sign up" (after clicking, "Sign up for your community account" window is displayed)
Sergey Stukov co-founder
We have implemented, the first version.
Now it's possible to invite new users.
You can do this from there

Use "+Invite user" button

Test on yourself and give us feedback before using on the real customers.
do you have any news, please?