Explicitly setting the date for a topic/comment?

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Is there a way (perhaps through the API?) that a staff member (or administrator) can specifically set the date for a particular topic and/or comment? We have a few topics that need to show as being published on specific dates (different from the date the topic was created), so we need to be able to explicitly set the date of the topic.

For one example, we are planning to move from an existing forum (YAF - Yet Another Forum) into UserEcho. We have an existing "Product Release" forum that includes topics for each of our product releases. When we move those topics into UserEcho, we need to preserve the dates on which the topics were posted. We cannot just create new topics with a new/current date for each topic.

How can we explicitly set/update the date for a topic?
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Sergey Stukov co-founder
  • Answer
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We can set date for required topics for you. Just leave private message with required dates. In the following format "Topic header","required data"
Mathew Weaver
Quote from Vladimir Mullagaliyev
Now the "updated" date set to "now" when you move the topic to a new forum. Is it anough or you need to change "created" date too?
Setting the "updated" date should work. We will give that a try and let you know if we have further concerns. Thank you.
Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
Quote from Mathew Weaver
I would like to mention this issue again. As described here:


We are using a process where topics are drafted in a private forum, then published to the public forum later. However, when moving a topic from one forum to the other, the topic created date is preserved. That means that the topic does not show up as the "last updated" topic in the public forum, because there may have been other topics created in the public forum after the topic was originally drafted in the private forum.

It would be helpful to have something in the UI (or even just the API) where the date could be explicitly changed for a topic ... and/or the topic date automatically set to "now" when a topic is moved into a new forum (although there may be other scenarios where that would not be desirable ...).
Now the "updated" date set to "now" when you move the topic to a new forum. Is it anough or you need to change "created" date too?
Mathew Weaver
I would like to mention this issue again. As described here:


We are using a process where topics are drafted in a private forum, then published to the public forum later. However, when moving a topic from one forum to the other, the topic created date is preserved. That means that the topic does not show up as the "last updated" topic in the public forum, because there may have been other topics created in the public forum after the topic was originally drafted in the private forum.

It would be helpful to have something in the UI (or even just the API) where the date could be explicitly changed for a topic ... and/or the topic date automatically set to "now" when a topic is moved into a new forum (although there may be other scenarios where that would not be desirable ...).
Sergey Stukov co-founder
>Question via chat
>What is the best way to handle a data migration from an existing system?
If you will able to provide your existing data in csv or xls format we can import it to your new community. Something like   date, header, description, author 

Sergey Stukov co-founder
  • Answer
  • Answered
We can set date for required topics for you. Just leave private message with required dates. In the following format "Topic header","required data"